Andrejs Management Inc., a trusted property management service provider in Toronto, is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality in property management. With a focus on enhancing property values for unit owners and fostering positive relationships with both the Board of Directors and owners, we strive to surpass expectations. Our dedicated and passionate management team is committed to providing professional and enthusiastic service. When you choose Andrejs Management Inc., you can trust us to fulfill all your Toronto property management requirements and elevate the value of your property.

Owners and Tenants:

At Andrejs Management Inc., we value the relationships we build with owners and tenants. We understand the importance of listening to their needs and perspectives to develop a deep understanding of the market we serve. We believe in treating each resident with respect and ensuring their concerns are addressed promptly and professionally. Confidentiality is paramount to us, as we handle sensitive information entrusted to us with the utmost care. Our commitment to enhancing property value ensures that owners’ investments are protected and continue to grow.


Our team at Andrejs Management Inc. believes in the power of teamwork. We foster a collaborative environment where “we” comes before “I.” Leadership is demonstrated by setting an example and encouraging our staff to excel in their roles. We value active listening, recognizing that every team member’s input is valuable and contributes to our collective success. Honesty and integrity are the foundations of our interactions, both within our team and with our clients. We challenge and support our staff to continually grow and provide learning opportunities to strengthen their skills and capabilities. Fair treatment and compensation for their efforts are integral to maintaining a motivated and dedicated team.

Directors of the Board:

At Andrejs Management Inc., we understand the importance of cultivating courteous, professional, and honest relationships with the Directors of the Board. We work as a team with the common goal of achieving success and fulfilling the shared vision for the property. We expect and value commitment and dedication from the Board members and provide our unwavering support to help them lead and succeed in their roles. Our collaborative approach ensures effective communication and transparency, fostering a strong partnership built on trust and mutual respect.


Andrejs Management Inc. is committed to building strong relationships, delivering excellence in property management, and exceeding expectations. With a focus on enhancing property values, respecting owners and tenants, nurturing our staff, and collaborating closely with the Board of Directors, we aim to provide the highest level of service. Place your trust in Andrejs Management Inc. to fulfill your Toronto property management requirements and experience the value we bring to your property.